Diversity Equity Inclusion Resources


🀝 Are You What You Eat? (Activity)

An icebreaker activity to use at social events to introduce people using their favorite cultural or ethnic food

🀝 Circles of My Multicultural Self (Activity)

An activity to highlight multiple dimensions of identity

🀝 Crossing the Line (Activity)

An activity to illustrate privilege across different realms of diversity

🀝 How Comfortable Am I? (Activity)

An activity used to challenge and self-identify beliefs and prejudices

🀝 Barriers to Inclusion

Guide to how every individual can help reduce barriers to inclusion

🀝 Disability Inclusive Movies

A list of movies inclusive of people with disabilities

🀝 Disability Inclusion Employment Best Practices

Employer best practices and initiatives by DEI top-scoring companies to inform key membership practices

🀝 Understanding and Challenging Ableism

A lesson plan to understand ableism and how to become an ally by taking actions to confront and challenge it

🀝 LGBTQIA+ Movies & Books

A list of books and movies inclusive of those who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community

🀝 LGBTQIA+ Resources

Articles and resources for those who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community

🀝 LGBTQIA+ Safety Guide to Instagram

Instagram best practices and safety tips to promote positive mental health while using social media as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community

🀝 Creating Inclusive Content

A guide on how to create inclusive marketing content on social media

🀝 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Decision Tree

A guide to making the right decision and selecting the right resource when requesting training or facilitation related to racism

🀝 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Workshop

Delta Kappa Delta’s DEI workshop presentation as given to members

🀝 Gender Neutral/Inclusive Language

A list of gender neutral and gender inclusive language

🀝 Trevor Project Coming Out Handbook

A guide for young adults who are considering coming out about their sexuality or gender identity to their loved ones

🀝 Trevor Project Guide to Being an Ally to Transgender and Nonbinary Youth

A guide for people who want to be a safe ally for transgender and nonbinary youth

🀝 Universal Principles of Inclusivity & Equity in the Sorority/Fraternity Joining Process

A guide for Greek life members to prioritize inclusivity and equity to create healthier member environments increase impact

🀝 COVID-1619: How DKD Can Help Combat the Other Pandemic

A presentation on how Delta Kappa Delta can help combat racism as a Greek letter organization