We stand with survivors.

July 15, 2020

Trigger Warning: References to sexual assault.

We, the Sisters of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. firmly stand with all survivors who have experienced any form of sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse. In recent weeks, many strong and brave survivors of sexual assault have come forward and shared their stories. We are immensely heartbroken to hear about the experiences of sexual assault and misconduct that individuals have shared. Our response will always be to believe, support, and advocate. It takes tremendous courage and strength to open up about these experiences and it is important to acknowledge that these survivors often relive their trauma as they come forward. We are committed to being a dedicated and unwavering pillar of support for anyone who is opening up to share their own experiences- now and in the future. 

Our first and foremost priority as an organization is the health and well-being of our sisters. We consistently strive to foster a welcoming and safe environment for all individuals on campus, and within the overarching Greek community. We stand firm in our beliefs, and are working to implement the changes we want to see in our communities. Our commitment to change includes taking concrete steps such as holding organizations accountable, implementing mandatory sexual assault trainings, providing supportive services for survivors, and resources for allies. We will do everything in our capacity to advocate for survivors and to end sexual assault. We call on our fellow Greek leaders to join us in advocating for sisters, enforcing improved standards and training for fraternity men, and taking swift action against any known perpetrators. We must be proactive, intentional, and persistent.

To our Sisters and any survivors who have not yet come forward with their story, know that you are in control of your healing process. We are here for you wherever you are in your healing journey, and are fully committed to supporting your decision to the fullest extent possible. We have provided resources at the conclusion of this release, and can provide additional guidance as to the next steps you want to take. Ultimately, any decision lies with you, the survivor, but know that you will never have to fight these injustices alone.

We believe that, while difficult, it is necessary to have these conversations in order to create much needed change. Our hope is that as a community, we can work towards a future without sexual assault and violence. Until then - we stand by you, we believe you, and we will always support you.

With love,

The Sxsters of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc.


RAINN Sexual Assault Hotline

RAINN is an anti-sexual violence organization with a free, confidential, 24/7 national sexual assault hotline. 

Website: www.rainn.org

Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

National Sexual Violence Resource Center provides leadership in preventing and responding sexual violence through collaborating, sharing and creating resources, and promoting research.

Website: www.nsvrc.org

National Organization for Victim Assistance 

National Organization for Victim Assistance is a leader in victim advocacy, education, and credentialing.

Website: www.trynova.org

Victim Assistance Helpline: 800-879-6682 (TRY-NOVA)

Victim Connect Resource Center

Victim Connect Resource Center is a referral hotline where crime victims can learn about their rights and options confidentially and compassionately. 

Website: www.victimconnect.org

Traditional-based helpline: 855-4-VICTIM (84-2846)

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support via a medium of people already use and and trust: text.

Website: www.crisistextline.org

Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor

The Women’s Center Rape Crisis and Victim Services

The Women’s Center Rape Crisis and Victim Services program is one of the most comprehensive and distinguished rape crisis centers in the Southwest. No matter the age or gender, victims of stranger and non-stranger sexual abuse and sexual assault find both hope and help here.

Website: www.womenscentertc.org

24-hour Crisis Hotline: 817-927-2737

Anti-Violence Project

Anti-Violence Project empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy.

Website: www.avp.org

Hotline: 212-714-1141

National Domestic Violence Hotline

At the National Domestic Violence Hotline, our highly trained expert advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone in the United States who is experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.

Website: www.thehotline.org

Hotline: 800-787-3224


Press Release: NAPA Sorority Solidarity


National Anti-Hate Statement