Delta Kappa Delta
Building sxsterhood through service since 1999.
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. is a South Asian interest, but not South Asian exclusive, non-profit service sorority. We are located at 18 undergraduate universities across the United States and have over 800 esteemed members.
Take a look around our site to learn more about who we are and what we do.
Our Philanthropy
Philanthropy, by definition is "the effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations."
To date, Delta Kappa Delta has donated over $150,000 to organizations that promote the education, well-being and safety of children around the world.
Community Service
Service is the basis of Delta Kappa Delta because we feel that through service, a person can grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. It is the purest way to grow and learn about each other but most importantly give ourselves to our community.
To date, Delta Kappa Delta has completed over 100,000 hours in service nation-wide and counting.
Our Sxsterhood
Sxsterhood is a legacy that transcends all racial, religious, and familial boundaries. It is a journey that many young ladies embark on to develop lifelong friendships with other passionate, strong, and independent women. Joining our sxsterhood is a truly empowering experience.
Explore Delta Kappa Delta.
The sxsters of Delta Kappa Delta do not shy away from making a statement and taking action. We continue to fight for our communities and give back to them. Read our press releases and news updates to see what we are up to.
For Parents
From leadership experience to access to a network of professionals in a variety of industries, joining Greek life with Delta Kappa Delta has numerous benefits for your daughter’s personal and professional success.
Find a DKD near you.
It all begins with that spark of indomitable spirit. If you are interested in getting involved with Delta Kappa Delta, find a charter near you (or bring Delta Kappa Delta to your university!)